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Planning Checklist for College Admission

We urge you to begin praying for wisdom and guidance as you seek God's will in your journey after high school.  God has a magnificent plan for you.  

_ Start dreaming about what colleges you might want to attend
_ Plan your high school course selections with college in mind
_ Grades count! Study hard and make good grades
_ If possible, visit colleges through sports camps, leadership and academic enrichment camps
_ Participate in service projects and seize any leadership opportunity
_ Participate in extra-curricular activities (clubs and sports)
_ Start your college data notebook

_ Review your high school course selections with college in mind
_ Keep grades up!
_ If possible, visit colleges through sports camps, leadership and academic enrichment camps
_ Participate in service projects and seize any leadership opportunity
_ Participate in extra-curricular activities (clubs and sports)
_ Attend college fairs
_ Begin taking practice tests for the SAT (Reading, Math and Writing)
_ Update your college data notebook
_ Consider dual enrollment classes from NETC for next year

_ Review your high school course selections with college in mind
_ Keep grades up!
_ If possible, visit colleges through sports camps, leadership and academic enrichment camps
_ Participate in service projects and seize any leadership opportunity
_ Participate in extra-curricular activities (clubs and sports)
_ Attend college fairs
_ Update your college data notebook
_ Take PSAT (SPCS will administer PSAT)

_ Take SAT and/or ACT (SPCS plans to offer these on campus.)
(spring time)
_ Begin college visits
_ Take SAT and/or ACT (SPCS plans to offer these on campus.)
_ Consider dual enrollment classes from NETC
_ Begin scholarship searches (some are availbale to juniors)
_ Prepare draft admission essays

(fall time)
_ Keep grades up!
_ Attend college fairs if needed
_ Finalize college list
_ Visit colleges on list
_ Submit applications by end of November

_ Complete and submit FAFSA
_ Re-take SAT and/or ACT to improve scores (SPCS plans to offer these on campus.)
_ Pursue scholarships

_ Keep a record of all college admission acceptances and scholarships offered (including those declined)
(spring time)
_ Re-take SAT and/or ACT to improve scores (SPCS plans to offer these on campus.)

_ Attend financial aid workshops
_ Complete and submit FAFSA if not done in the fall
_ Take AP exams if qualified
_ Respond to admissions letters and financial aid awards
_ Send required deposits
_ Request high school transcript be sent to college

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