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"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

The Purpose of SPCS

The ultimate purpose of South Pointe Christian School is to lead boys and girls to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to train them in the knowledge of God, to encourage a Christian lifestyle, and to offer them an excellent education with a Christian worldview. Our desire is to work with the parents in bringing up the child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, thus equipping him/her to identify, evaluate, and relate properly to life's opportunities and challenges.

Our Mission at SPCS

The mission of South Pointe Christian School is to provide a quality, comprehensive, academic program with a Christian worldview in a loving Christian environment for children of all ages!

Our Vision at SPCS

The vision of South Pointe Christian School is to educate students of all ages so that they will give God glory and make Jesus known in the workplace and throughout the world.

South Pointe Christian School is fully accredited by the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools (SCACS).

Thank you for your interest in South Pointe Christian School!  
We look forward to hearing from you!



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Contact Information

Mailing:  PO Box 188 | Pageland, SC 29728 

Main Campus:  28981 HWY 9

Mills Campus:  701 E Cato


T:    843-672-2760


2024  © South Pointe Christian School

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