"Not to us, O Lord not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
Psalm 115:1
Support SPCS
It may surprise you that tuition alone does not sustain South Pointe Christian School. Like every independent school, our continued success depends on charitable gifts to our campaigns, participation in fundraising events, or through corporate sponsorship.
Our Fundraisers Include:
BBQ Fundraiser
Jog-A-Thon Glow Run
World's Finest Chocolate Sale
Sporting Events
And More!

Upcoming Fundraisers

Interested in Volunteering?
Please call our office at 843-672-2760
Download our Volunteer Handbook Here

The most impactful way you can support SPCS is through prayer!
We humbly ask that you diligently pray for:
Spiritual encouragement for the staff, students and our families.
Eph. 3:16-19​​
Discernment while making decision for the administration and staff.
Proverbs 3:21-22
Unity within the staff, student body, our school and our churches.
John 14:20-21
A loving spirit within the staff, students and families.
1 John 3:18
A passion for excellence for the administration, staff, students and our families.
Proverbs 31:10-31
SPCS to continue proclaiming and standing on Gods Word.
2 Tim. 2:15