Fine Arts
One of the important tasks of the Christian school is to train leadership. The SCACS Fine Arts Festival helps to provide the framework to accomplish that task. Students work, train, and prepare that they might participate in these Festivals to do their best in order that the Lord might be honored. It is in this early arena of competition that students begin to sharpen their talents and skills which they will later use as adults in their service for Christ.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in such categories as Choir, Small and Large Vocal Ensembles, Solos, Instrumental solos, Art, Speech, and Academics.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
Carla Griffin
"Participating in fine arts has given me the opportunity to build upon and share my talents all while giving God glory! How awesome is that!?"
Class of '25
Abby Floyd
(Pictured Right)
"The Fine Arts Program was one of my favorite extracurriculars to participate in. It gave me the opportunity to do the things I love while placing God at the center of it. It is a testament to the ministry of South Pointe in giving God your all and always striving for excellence"
Class of '20
Ella Rollings
(Pictured Left)
"One of the most life changing parts of attending South Pointe Christian School was their Fine Arts Program. God revealed to me the gift of worship through music. The training and experience I gained throughout this program allowed me to grow in my faith and become the worship leader at
my church."
Class of '17
David Atkinson
(Pictured Left)
"South Pointe's Fine Arts program meant a lot to me through my years as a student. It was an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and competitions that I would not otherwise have had the chance to. I am very thankful for the ways the Lord used the Fine Arts program to grow me closer to Him and His people."
Class of '16
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